Looking for fun then lets go to a barbeque at the beach. Gathering with friends and family is something that people often do, whether doing at home or somewhere else. Talking and joking together to unwind from work. This should be a fun activity. Some people are willing to go a little far to find a comfortable place so they can gather while enjoying the beautiful scenery with a new atmosphere the is relaxing.
Maumere' City is famous with so many beautiful Beaches. So, beach becomes one of the most strategic places for sightseeing with family and friends. Gather while enjoying the beautiful view with our loved ones while joking and laughing. One of the beaches in Maumere' that can be an option for a picnic is Wailite Beach which is located on the side of the Maumere' highway to Magepanda.
While sitting and talking it's not really good if you do do not barbeque action. The menu that is most often chosen by Sikka residents to be grilled on the beach is fish that is grilled using spices will be even more delicious if you eat while looking at the blue sea. The types of fish that are often chosen are Tongol (Euthynnus Affinis) and Kakap Merah (Lutjanus Campechanus) because it has soft flesh and sweet taste.
After that the fish will be eaten together with boiled sweet potatoes and bananas, also vegetables that have been prepared. It is very delicious to eat together while looking at the beautiful blue sea.